Fitting all your belongings into a smaller mobile home can sometimes seem impossible. But, once you take a closer look, there are many different creative ways to store your belongings, making your mobile home organized and comfortable. Of course, there are the obvious storage solutions of putting bins underneath the bed for clothes or getting a bathroom storage cabinet. Boring!
Instead, get creative with our five clever ways to store your items and make your home a little roomier. Most of these storage solutions are simple and easy DIY projects! Read on to find out how you can make your mobile home more spacious with these five techniques.
1. Shoe Rack: An innovative way to transform a curtain rod into a space-saver is by hanging a shoe rack on it. I know what you’re thinking, a shoe rack? Since mobile homes don’t necessarily come equipped with lots of storage, it’s a great way to free up your coveted cabinet space. This curtain rod/shoe rack creates a perfect place to store miscellaneous items, kids toys, or even cleaning supplies. Want to try it out? Just visit a local retail store and make sure to get a fabric shoe rack that is meant to hang over the door. Then, hang it on an unused curtain rod in front of the window and as long as the material is light in color or mesh, it won’t block out too much sunlight.

2. Magazine Rack: A fantastic way to utilize the kitchen space in your mobile home can be achieved with one simple and cheap item. A magazine rack. All you have to do is buy a plastic magazine holder, like the one in the photo, and simply mount it on one of your cabinets using screws, nails or even mounting tape. Then fill it – it’s that easy. You have now built a perfect place to store aluminum foil, plastic wrap and zip lock baggies. If you like how this works, repeat the design in several cabinets to store tupperware, plates, etc. and double your storage space.

3. Shower Storage Rack: Another great item that can be used for storing miscellaneous things is a shower storage rack. Here’s a hint – you can use it places outside of the shower too! Make sure to buy a hanging rack, attach it to a wall, and start organizing! It’s a great place to keep all of your desk items or even beauty tools. You can even add a small cup to it for pens and pencils. Depending on what you want to organize, the possibilities are endless.

4. Curtain Concealer: Most mobile homes don’t have a garage to store items that aren’t used very often. If you don’t have a storage unit for those items, don’t worry, you still can create a small section of your mobile home to store these less often used items. Purchase a few storage bins (these can easily be found at Target or Family Dollar) and stack them up in a section of your home. Since there are only so many places you can place these bins, chose a larger wall carefully. Cover up the bins by hanging a wire (cable or clothesline) from one side to the other and use a curtain to hide the units. This way all your excess items will be right at arms length and your home still looks great.
5. Can Dispenser: Looking into any pantry you’ll surely find a bunch of food cans lying around. Most homes have rows of cans taking up lots of unnecessary space. A great way to get more room in your pantry or cabinet is to store these cans by taking a soda can box and using it as a dispenser for the cans. That way, all your cans won’t be all over the place and will be stored in a convenient way. You can even take the extra step of painting the box and organizing each box with labels of the types of cans.
Using the space in your mobile home to effectively store and organize your life can be a bit tricky sometimes. Just remember, all you have to do it get a little creative, and you’ll be amazed with what you come up with.