Star Mobile Home Supplies Blog

A Mobile Home Heat Tape Buyer’s Guide
Mobile home heat tape — often sold as spools of “self-regulating heat cable” — uses thermostatically controlled electric heat to prevent frozen and bursting pipes in the winter.

Mobile Home Furnace Buying Guide from - Star Mobile Home Supplies
Before replacing a mobile home furnace, it’s important to ensure your current HVAC system is being properly cleaned and maintained. If it is time to replace, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

Mobile Vs. Manufactured Vs. Modular Homes: How They Compare
Is there a difference between mobile vs. manufactured vs. modular homes? Here’s what sets each apart, and how to find the right parts for your living space.

Used vs. New Mobile Home Parts: What’s Best for Your Home?
Looking for mobile home parts? You might be asking whether new or used components are a better choice. Find out which option is right for your home!

Mobile Home vs. Tiny Home: What’s the Difference?
How does mobile home vs. tiny home living compare, and what does this mean for homeowners? Read on to find out!

A Guide to Buying Mobile Home Parts Online
Shopping for mobile home parts online, while more convenient than going to a store, can be confusing. Here’s our guide for how to make the perfect purchase.