Star Mobile Home Supplies Blog

Maintaining Your Mobile Home’s Underbelly
Your mobile home’s underbelly plays a vital role in insulating and protecting the underside of your home. Knowing how to repair or replace it is crucial.

What You Need to Know about Mobile Home Siding
Siding is a vital part of your mobile home’s exterior defenses. Here’s everything you need to know about the different types and how to choose which is best for you.

Mobile Home Releveling: What You Need to Know
An unlevel mobile home can lead to structural damage and even a sinking foundation. Here’s how to tell if your mobile home is level and how to relevel it if it isn’t.

Are Mobile Homes a Good Investment?
Just like traditional houses, mobile homes can generate passive income as a long-term investment. But are manufactured houses really a good investment choice?

Finding the Best Mobile Home Park for You
Mobile home parks are plots of land where multiple mobile home owners live. They come in many varieties, with different price ranges, rules, and amenities.

Frequently Purchased Mobile Home Parts and Supplies
Owning a mobile home means keeping up with repairs and home furnishing. Here are some of the most frequently purchased mobile home parts and accessories.