Star Mobile Home Supplies Blog

Mobile Vs. Manufactured Vs. Modular Homes: How They Compare
Is there a difference between mobile vs. manufactured vs. modular homes? Here’s what sets each apart, and how to find the right parts for your living space.

Mobile Home vs. Tiny Home: What’s the Difference?
How does mobile home vs. tiny home living compare, and what does this mean for homeowners? Read on to find out!

A Guide to Buying Mobile Home Parts Online
Shopping for mobile home parts online, while more convenient than going to a store, can be confusing. Here’s our guide for how to make the perfect purchase.

Unlocking Your Home’s Potential: A Guide to Mobile Home Floor Plans
Utilizing your mobile home’s floor plan is crucial when it comes to design. Understanding your floor plan will help you balance function, comfort, and aesthetic appeal.

Maintaining Your Mobile Home’s Underbelly
Your mobile home’s underbelly plays a vital role in insulating and protecting the underside of your home. Knowing how to repair or replace it is crucial.

What You Need to Know about Mobile Home Siding
Siding is a vital part of your mobile home’s exterior defenses. Here’s everything you need to know about the different types and how to choose which is best for you.

Mobile Home Releveling: What You Need to Know
An unlevel mobile home can lead to structural damage and even a sinking foundation. Here’s how to tell if your mobile home is level and how to relevel it if it isn’t.